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Viet Nam established the Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) under TSD Chapter of EVFTA

03:38 - 30/09/2021

On 17 August 2021, Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien signed and promulgated Decision No. 1972/QD-BCT on the establishment of the Viet Nam Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) in accordance with the provisions of Article 13.15 of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter (TSDC) under the EVFTA.

The Viet Nam DAG operates as a forum with no legal entity status, nor does it have its own seal and account. VN DAG is responsible for its own operating expenses. The tasks and fucntions of the VN DAG Group is to gather, present views and give advices and recommendations for the implementation of the TSD Chapter under the EVFTA, ensuring its compliance with the Agreement’s commitments. Such advices and recommendations will be submitted to the EVFTA's Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development.

Members of the VN DAG Group include Vietnamese associations, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, which are legally established and operating in Viet Nam. They must represent legitimate interests relating to trade and sustainable development in Viet Nam. The VN DAG comprises of three subgroups: economic, social and environmental, whose composition is equally distributed.

The VN DAG members are listed in the Appendix enclosed together with this Decision, including: (1) Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (representative of employers); (2) Viet Nam Institute of Workers and Trade Unions (under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor); and (3) Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD). The above list may be adjusted and supplemented in compliance with the Decision of the Minister of Industry and Trade.

Upon request of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Industry and Trade in coordination with relevant ministries and branches is continuing to carry out necessary work after the establishment of the Vietnam DAG Group to ensure its effective operation and in accordance with the provisions of EVFTA.

Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade

Tổng số bài đăng 316.

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