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FDI enterprises see trade surplus of over US$10 billion

03:10 - 02/06/2022

FDI enterprises invest in Vietnam’s major import and export sectors such as electronic products, machinery, devices, textiles and footwear.

According to the latest preliminary statistics of the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC), between January and May 15, the total trade in goods of FDI enterprises saw a year-on-year increase of 14.3% to US$187.3 billion.

Meanwhile, the import and export of domestic enterprises rose 17.8% compared with the same period of the previous year to US$83.26 billion.

According to the GDVC’s statistics, the export turnover of FDI enterprises in the first half of May 2022 decreased by 30.1%, or US$3.97 billion, to US$9.24 billion compared with the second half of April.

As of May 15, the total export turnover of these enterprises grew 13.3% or US$11.63 billion to US$98.8 billion compared with a year ago, accounting for 73.1% of the total export turnover of the whole country.

The import turnover of FDI enterprises in the first half of May fell 3.3% to US$9.77 billion compared with the second half of April.

As of May 15, the total import turnover of these enterprises rose 15.4% to 88.5% year-on-year, accounting for 65.4% of the total turnover of the whole country.

Between January to May 15, FDI enterprises saw a trade surplus of US$10.3 billion.

Source: Customs News

Tổng số bài đăng 316.

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