Tổng số bài đăng 312.
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Hiệp định UKVFTA chính thức có hiệu lực | 17-05-2021 |
Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to Viet Nam grew 8.2 percent year-on-year to nearly US$18.15 billion in the first eight months this year, official statistic data shows. The about figure includes US$1.91 billion from August 1-20, according to the Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
In January-August period, there were 1,924 licenced projects with total registered capital of more than US$8.87 billion, up 69.5 percent and 39.7 percent in terms of projects and capital value compared to the same period last year.
Foreign investors pledged to add over US$4.53 billion to 830 existing projects while their total capital contributions and share purchases reached US$4.47 billion.
Manufacturing and processing took the lead by luring nearly US$13 billion, an increase of 14.7 percent against the same period last year. Real estate came second with over US$1.76 billion, down 47.2 percent year-on-year, followed by finance-banking sector with nearly US$1.54 billion.
Singapore was the top foreign investor in the reviewed period with more than US$3.83 billion, accouting for over 21.2 percent of the total foreign investment capital. It was followed by China with US$2.69 billion, and Japan with US$2.58 billion.
Ha Noi was the top recipient of foreign investment with total registered capital of more than US$2.34 billion, followed by Hia Phong with more than US$2.08 billion.
Meanwhile, disbursed volume increased by 1.3 percent year-on-year to around US$13.1 billion, reported the FIA.
As of August 20, 2023 Viet Nam was home to 38,084 active FDI projects with total registered capital of US$453.26 billion, 63.3 percent of which has been disbursed./.
Tổng số bài đăng 312.
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Hiệp định UKVFTA chính thức có hiệu lực | 17-05-2021 |
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