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Viet Nam's overseas investment ups 5.2 % in 8 months

03:10 - 30/08/2023

Viet Nam invested over US$416 million abroad in the first eight months of this year, a year-on-year increase of 5.2 percent, according to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

Of the total, US$244.37 million was poured into 79 new projects, equivalent to 70.8 percent of the figure in the same period in 2022 while US$171.96 million was added to 18 existing projects, a year-on-year increase of 3.38 times.

Retail and wholesale took the lead among 14 sectors Vietnamese investors invested in with US$150.28 million, making up 36.1 percent. Information and communications was the runner-up with US$114.32 million, accounting for 27.5 percent. It was followed by electricity production and distribution, agro-forestry-fisheries and finance-banking. 

In the January-August period, Vietnamese investments landed in 23 countries and territories, led by Canada with one new and one expanded project worth over US$150.2 million. It was followed by Singapore, Laos, and Cuba.

The agency said that as of August 20, Viet Nam had 1,665 active projects abroad with combined investment of nearly US$22.1 billion, including 141 by State-owned enterprises worth US$11.67 billion, accounting for 52.8 percent of the country's total. Vietnamese investment abroad is mostly in mining (31.5 percent) and agro-forestry-fisheries (15.6 percent).

Leading destinations for Vietnamese investors are Laos (24.7 percent), Cambodia (13.3 percent), and Venezuela (8.3 percent).

Laos is the leading destination of Vietnam's oversea investment

Tổng số bài đăng 316.

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