Total number of posts 35.
Time: 2021
By: East Asia Business Council (EABC)
On 15 November 2020, the RCEP—an agreement which includes the ASEAN, Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea—was formally signed. It marks a major success for multilateralism. RCEP will play an important role in promoting prosperity and shared development in the Asia-Pacific region.
Chapter 2: Content Overview of RCEP
Chapter 4: Trade in Services and Investment
Chapter 6: Trade Remedies and Dispute Settlement
Chapter 7: Trade and Investment Opportunities between ASEAN and RCEP Countries
Chapter 8: Trade and Investment Opportunities between Australia and RCEP Countries
Chapter 9: Trade and Investment Opportunities between China and RCEP Countries
Chapter 10: Trade and Investment Opportunities between Japan and RCEP Countries
Chapter 11: Trade and Investment Opportunities between Korea and RCEP Countries
Chapter 12: Trade and Investment Opportunities between New Zealand and RCEP Countries