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Non-tariff measures

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A12 Geographical restrictions on eligibility
Products derived from terrestrial animals, aquatic animals and plants must satisfy the following requirements a) Their country of origin is a country or territory that has a food safety control syste
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Article 13. General requirements concerning recognition of circulation and self-declaration of circulation of plant varieties 1. Plant varieties belonging to the main plant species may be produced, t
31/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
6. An application for import of feeds used for manufacturing and processing of exported products includes: a) An application form, which is made using the Form No. 07.TACN in the Appendix I hereof;
13/2020/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Article 30. Import of aquafeeds and treatment products 1. Importers of aquafeeds/treatment products imported as prescribed in Clause 2 Article 36 of the Law on Fisheries shall obtain a license from t
26/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Licensing or permit import of: - embryo, breed or protected dilute environment need approved by Department of Livestock Production - those are not under the list of animals allowed for production and
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Licensing or permit import by Administration of Forestry or Department of Cultivation for breeds of plants. All plants must be approved by MARD to be included in the list of breeds of plants allowed f
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
License for the import of fishery breed that are not in the list of fishery breed allowed in Vietnam must be approved by Department of Fishery
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
License for the import of genetic resources of plants granted by Department of Crop Production - MARD
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
License for the import of live fishery used as food excluded in the list of live fishery used as food (appendix 5) granted by Directorate of Fisheries (MARD)
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
License for the import of fishery feeds
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
This measure requires that import of breeds of animals must be authorized
16/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
This measure requires importers to have animal feeds registered for testing and approved by MARD in order to be tested and included in the positive list
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Article 12. Applications and procedures for licensing import of plant varieties as prescribed in Clause 2 Article 29 of the Law on Crop Production 1. Composition of an application for licensing impor
94/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
License for importation of specific varieties of animals, plants,
69/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Requirements to import live organism for plant protection (SPS control certificate)
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
The import of crops/plants that are not in the list of plants allowed in production and business in Vietnam must be licensed by the Vietnam Administration of Forestry or Department of Plants, includin
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Requirement for license for quarantine of imported plants on the list of objects that have to undergo pest risk analysis before import issued by Department of Plant Protection
43/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Approval by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Department of Livestock Production) is required for the first-time importation of male breeders, sperms and embryos of cattle
22/2019/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
The import of livestock not in the List of livestock allowed for production and business in Vietnam for research, empirical and other specific purposes need to have license from Department of Livestoc
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
The first (initial) import of semen and embryo of animal must be licensed by Department of Livestock Production for empirical
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Requirement on profile and authority licensing the export and import of livestock
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
Approval by relevant authorities under MARD (Department of Livestock for feed of livestock; Department of Fishery for fishery feed)
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
The import sea products that are not in the List of sea products allowed for production and business in Vietnam must be licensed by Department of Fisheries
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A14 Authorization requirement for SPS reasons for importing certain products
The import of live sea products used for foodstuffs that are not under the List of Living sea products allowed for import for foodstuffs must be licensed by Department of Fisheries
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
This measure requires that the importers have to register themselves
15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
This measure requires the importers to be registered with respect to breeds of animals
16/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
This measure requires importers of animal feeds to register themselves and to be granted with business permit issued by an authorised body.
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
Importers of plant protection should have license to import a number of plant protection
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
A copy of fumigation certificate issued by Plant Protection Department is required for the first import of fumigation that contain methyl bromide and ingredients of Toxicity Class I or Class II defin
43/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
Requirements on registration for getting import license of basic crops/plants
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
Requirement on profile of application and authorized agency involving in the granting of import license for treatment and improvement products for sea-product raising environment
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A15 Authorization requirement for importers for SPS reasons
Registration requirements at the exporting countries prior to import
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A19 Prohibitions/restrictions of imports for SPS reasons, not elsewhere specified (n.e.s.)
Certificate of free sales (CFS) is required for importation of some types of foods and foodstuff, plant varieties, animal breeds, etc.
69/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Regulation on the maximum residues limit of veterinary medicine in foodstuffs
46/2007/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Regulating the maximum limit of metal in foodstuffs
46/2007/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Requirement on limits of substance of beta-agonist group in livestock (using quick kit test: maximum of 5ppb for Salbutamol, 3 ppb for Clenbuterol, 2 ppb for Ractopamine)
01/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Regulating the maximum limits of residues of plant protection pesticides in foodstuffs
46/2007/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
This measure sets out MRL of pesticide residue in food
50/2016/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Importers of products in Appendix 3 must meet relevant regulations under 26/2013/TT-BNNPTNT, which include no tolerance of certain contaminants
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Maximum level of melamine cross contamination in foodstuffs
38/2008/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Regulation on the maximum limit of irradiation in foodstuffs
17/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
National technical regulation on infant formula food (for children up to 12 months of age) (i.e. limits of fat content, etc.)
20/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
National technical regulation on formulas for special medical purposes intended for infant (up to 12 months of age). Limits of certain substances
21/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
National technical regulation on follow-up formula (for infant from 6th month on and young children up to 36 months of age)
22/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
National technical regulation on processed cereal-based foods for infants from 6th month on and young children up to 36 months of age
23/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
Regulation on the maximum residues limit of veterinary medicine in foodstuffs
24/2013/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain (non-microbiological) substances
National technical regulation applied to food additives-artificial sweeteners (QCVN 4-8 : 2010/BYT)
25/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
Article 4 issued the list of food additives allowed in foodstuffs
27/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
List of supporting substances allowed in the production and processing of foodstuffs
46/2007/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
Prohibition of using beta-agonist in livestock and poultry raising
57/2012/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
This measure determines simultaneously sweetener substances in foodstuffs, applying National Standard (TCVN 10991:2015, TCVN 10992:2015, TCVN 10993:2015)
3971/QD-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
National technical regulation on infant formula food (for children up to 12 months of age) (i.e. restricted use of some substances)
20/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
National technical regulation on formulas for special medical purposes intended for infant (up to 12 months of age). Restricted use of certain substances
21/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
National technical regulation on follow-up formula (for infant from 6th month on and young children up to 36 months of age) (QCVN 11-3:2012/BYT ) related to the minimum and maximum compounds of vitami
22/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
Requirement on nutrient content claims based on recommended nutrition intakes, maximum contents of vitamin and minerals allowed
43/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
National technical regulation on processed cereal-based foods for infants from 6th month on and young children up to 36 months of age (QCVN 11-4:2012/BYT ), regulating compounds of protein, vitamin, l
23/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A22 Restricted use of certain substances in foods and feeds and their contact materials
National technical regulation applied to food additives-artificial sweeteners (QCVN 4-8:2010/BYT), regulating limits of substances in the final products (such as clorid, sulfat, nickel, lead, etc.)
25/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A31 Labelling requirements
1. Manufacturers and sellers of foods in Vietnam, in addition to common regulations of law on goods labeling, shall comply with the following regulations: a) The label of medical food shall contain t
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
The labelling of supplementary substances must be complied with current regulation
27/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A31 Labelling requirements
Article 46. Animal feed labeling 1. Labeling animal feeds shall comply with law provisions on goods labeling and the following regulations: a) The label or attachment of commercial animal feeds must
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires imported cigars and cigarettes to be appropriately labelled (as per regulations on food safety, product quality, toxic contents, etc.)
37/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A31 Labelling requirements
This measure specifies details that should be labelled (if the breeds are to be contained), including name, dates of production and expiry, etc.
16/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of product label: - Clear, accurate and easy for consumer to understand - For functional foods and micro-nutrient foods, the label must includes the ingredients, dosage, effects on
38/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Article 10. Labeling and advertising of plant varieties 1. A plant variety shall be labeled as prescribed in the Government’s Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 as follows: a) Name of the
94/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
This measure stipulates labelling requirement of nutritious products for infants, feeding bottles and teats
100/2014/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported food (quantitative; production date; expiry date; warnings (if any))
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported foodstuff (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; usage, storage instructions)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported health protection food (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; usage, storage instructions; risk warning if any; one phrase
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported irradiated food (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; one phrase of "Thuc pham da qua chieu xa")
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported food additives (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; one phrase of "Phu gia thuc pham"; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported micronutrients (quantitative; production date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; one phrase of "Dung cho thuc pham")
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported animal feed (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Veterinary drugs, vaccines and biological products for animal health (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; war
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported aquatic feed (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; warnings; telephone (if any))
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Breeds of plants (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; usage, storage instructions; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported animal breeds (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; usage, storage instructions; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Aquatic breeds (Name of breed (including both commercial and scientific names); name of breeding center; number of breeds; quality indicator and standard; sale
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires products in circulation to be labelled (including SPS information)
89/2006/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on labelling of imported wine and alcohol
94/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A31 Labelling requirements
Plant-originated goods imported to Vietnam must be labeled with the following information: name of products, name and address of production unit, codes, and other information as regulated
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A31 Labelling requirements
Article 4. Labeling of animal feed 1. Details to the displayed on labels of animal feed are specified under Annex II attached to this Circular. 2. Animal feed that is bulk cargo while in circulation
21/2019/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A33 Packaging requirements
Article 6 stipulates the requirements of food safety for containing and packaging materials by production and business units
27/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A33 Packaging requirements
Regulating the hygienic safety of packing and containing apparatus for foodstuffs
46/2007/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A33 Packaging requirements
Requirement of containers of vegetable oil
59/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A33 Packaging requirements
Plant-originated goods imported to Vietnam must be packed appropriately
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A41 Microbiological criteria of the final product
Regulating the maximum limit of micro-fungus toxin in foodstuffs
46/2007/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A41 Microbiological criteria of the final product
Regulating the limit of micro-biology in foodstuffs
46/2007/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A41 Microbiological criteria of the final product
National technical regulation of micro biological contaminants in food
05/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A63 Food and feed processing
Requirement for the manufacturing and processing process
59/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A63 Food and feed processing
Compulsory application of GMP and HACCP for functional food production
43/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A63 Food and feed processing
Imported goods must be produced by those recognized as meeting requirements of food hygiene and safety by Vietnamese authorized agency
25/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A64 Storage and transport conditions
Requirement on storage and transportation conditions of processed milk
54/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A64 Storage and transport conditions
This measure requires importers to meet requirements in terms of warehouse, storage conditions
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A64 Storage and transport conditions
Requirement on storage conditions of vegetable oil
59/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A64 Storage and transport conditions
Requirement on transportation, storage, reservation, process and consumption of live sea products
11/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A69 Other requirements on production or post-production processes, n.e.s
This measure imposes condition on trading animal and aqua feeds to ensure SPS requirements (warehouses and fixtures for feed storage, separated from pesticide, fertilizers and hazardous chemicals. Har
66/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A69 Other requirements on production or post-production processes, n.e.s
Requirement on risk assessment and monitoring of live sea products used in food processing
11/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires registration for plant quarantine in order to import
33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement of registration for testing quality of salt
34/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires that the breeds of plants have to be registered before importing
15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement on sending registered documents, either in English or Vietnamese, by relevant authority of exporting countries Vietnam's Quality Administration Agency of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
05/2013/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires that the imported breeds of animal should be registered
16/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires importers to register their animal feeds
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure sets out requirement to register for compliance with domestic standards. Applicable to original seeds and F1 seeds (for sowing)
79/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement on registration dossier for exporter; Appraisal of dossier by NAFIQAD and Plant Protection Department
12/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement on registration application and appraisal process on food safety examination at exporting countries
25/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement to register for SPS control in order to import terrestrial animals and products there of
25/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Imported wine and alcohol must register for getting announcement of conformity at Vietnamese authorized agency
94/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Plant-originated goods that was processed and packaged have to register with Vietnamese authorized agency of the conformity prior to being circulated into the market
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A81 Product registration/approval requirement
Imported aquatic animals and products there of must register for SPS control
26/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Requirement on testing of the substance of beta-agonist group in livestock production (using quick kit test: maximum of 5ppb for Salbutamol, 3 ppb for Clenbuterol, 2 ppb for Ractopamine)
01/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Imported breeds of plants must be tested
46/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Article 2. List of plant quarantine articles subject to the pest risk analysis before being imported into Vietnam 1. Plants and live plant parts. 2. Fresh bulbs and fruits. 3. Weeds and weed seeds. 4
30/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
SPS control is required for imported plants, including testing requirement
33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Imported salt has to be tested by sampling
34/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Requirement on testing of products in cases of: - Upon the request of production and business units, and other related agencies - state management of food safety
55/2010/QH12 National Assembly
A82 Testing requirement
This measure requires new breeds of plants to be tested (in terms of purity, other potential SPS implications, etc.) before importing
15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A82 Testing requirement
This measure requires imported cigars and cigarettes to be tested against the content of toxic
37/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A82 Testing requirement
This measure requires imported cigars and cigarettes to be tested against regulations on food safety
37/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A82 Testing requirement
This measure sets out testing requirement for new animal feeds that are not approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A82 Testing requirement
This measure sets out testing requirement for original seeds and F1 seeds (for sowing)
79/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Animals/animal products on the List of terrestrial animals and products thereof subject to hazard analysis before importing into Vietnam shall undergo the hazard analysis
79/2015/QH13 National Assembly
A82 Testing requirement
Requirements to import live organism for plant protection (Risk analysis report)
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
sample of imported terrestrial animals and products there of must be tested for quarantine
25/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Original copy or certified true copy of the food safety data sheet issued within 12 months before the self-declaration is made by an designated laboratory or a laboratory complying with ISO 17025; the
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A82 Testing requirement
Original copy or certified true copy of the food safety data sheet issued within 12 months before the self-declaration is made by an designated laboratory or a laboratory complying with ISO 17025; the
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A82 Testing requirement
Requirement on process and procedures in examining the imported goods Article 13 promulgating the contents of inspection; Article 14 on the method of inspection and sampling; Article 15 on the registr
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A82 Testing requirement
Sample of imported aquatic animals and products there of must be tested for quarantine
26/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Each shipment has a certificate of food safety issued by a competent authority of the exporting country
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
Manufacturers and sellers of food additives shall satisfy the following food safety requirements: 1. Satisfy general food safety requirements specified in specified in Clause 1 Article 19, Clause 1 A
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
3. To grant a certificate on compliance with SPS requirement and food safety for products of plant origin, as per the form in Appendix IIa if the imported batch does not contain objectives under contr
34/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Imported breeds of plants should have certificate of conformity
46/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
This measure requires certificate of plant quarantine in order to import
33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Certificate of phytosanitary is required for imported plants
33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
SPS Certificate for the import of plants under the list of object under quarantine requirements and hazard analysis
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Imported food must be granted a notification of qualification for import by authorized agency
55/2010/QH12 National Assembly
A83 Certification requirement
Functional foods, micro-nutrients , GMO, and irradiated foods must have Certificate of Free Sale
55/2010/QH12 National Assembly
A83 Certification requirement
Importers of products in Appendix 3 must meet relevant regulations under 26/2013/TT-BNNPTNT, which include certification of quality of breed
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Importers of products in Appendix 3 must meet relevant regulations under 26/2013/TT-BNNPTNT, which include certification of quality of breed
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
This measure requires new breeds of plants to be certified of compliance with SPS-related requirements (subject to testing result) before importing
15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A83 Certification requirement
Requirement on the certification of food safety, except for importation for the purpose of manufacturing for export
05/2013/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Importers must have CFS or certificate of exportation or Health certificate in order to import foodstuff
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
This measure requires importers to have their animal feeds certified and included in the list of products permitted for use and sale in Vietnam
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
Article 8. State inspection of quality of imported plant varieties 1. State inspection of quality of imported plant varieties shall be carried out by assessing and certifying conformity of shipments
26/2019/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Certification of conformity is required for the importation of food under management of the Ministry of Health
69/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
Each import shipment must be enclosed with Certification of Food Hygiene and Safety issued by authorized agency of the exporting countries
25/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Imported products should only be produced and consumed in Vietnam once the Vietnamese authorized agency has examined at the border gate and issued the notice of food hygiene and safety
25/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Planted-originated goods imported to Vietnam must be certified by authorized Vietnamese agency on ensuring the food safety
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Imported wine, alcohol and food-grade alcohol must be granted with certification of appropriateness for import
94/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
Importers must also submit certificate of authorized distribution or contract of official agent
94/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
3. The quarantine declaration for imported aquatic animal products for processing of foods for export, aquatic animal products imported directly from foreign fishing vessels or imported indirectly fro
36/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
The certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) or an equivalent certificate if the imports are dietary supplements, applicable from July 01, 2019 (a copy authenticated by the supplier).
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A83 Certification requirement
Quarantine certificate is required to import aquatic animals and products there of
26/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A83 Certification requirement
Every food manufacturer and seller must obtain the certificate of food safety, except for those specified in Clause 1 Article 12 of this Decree.
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A84 Inspection requirement
Method of food safety inspection: - Strict inspection applied to importation from environmental, disease-containing and hazard regions; and if the previous importation was under requirement - Normal
28/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A84 Inspection requirement
This measures set out inspection requirement in order to import plant breeds, animal breeds, fishery breeds
28/2017/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Dossiers, procedures for inspection of SPS control and food quality
34/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Imported plants must be inspected for quarantine
33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Article 39. Physical inspection of microorganism sample, biological products, tissues, human body organs 1. Subjects of physical inspection: Any microorganism sample, biological products, tissues, h
89/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A84 Inspection requirement
Article 29. Inspection of quality of imported aquafeeds and treatment products 1. The inspecting authority is the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development or the authorized fishery authority of
26/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A84 Inspection requirement
Quality control for importation of animal feed that are allowed in Vietnam
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Article 41. Import of animal feeds 1. Animal feeds imported must undergo State quality inspection under regulations in Clause 4 Article 43 hereof.
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A84 Inspection requirement
Article 78. Import of livestock and animal products 1. There must be records of origin of livestock and animal products imported meeting requirements for food quality and safety and disease resistanc
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A84 Inspection requirement
Requirement on hazard analysis
55/2010/QH12 National Assembly
A84 Inspection requirement
Requirement on inspection of foodstuff
55/2010/QH12 National Assembly
A84 Inspection requirement
This measure requires hazard analysis must be done with objects subjected to plant quarantine before importing to Vietnam
36/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Imported foodstuffs must be inspected by authorized state agency, except those mentioned under item 2 of this article
38/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A84 Inspection requirement
Article 7. Inspection of food safety of imported salt 1. The concerned importer shall submit an application for inspection of food safety of imported salt to the inspecting agency at the port of entr
39/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Imported products should only be produced and consumed in Vietnam once the Vietnamese authorized agency has examined at the border gate and issued the notice of food hygiene and safety
25/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Inspection on food safety of import by authorized agency at the border gate.
12/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Inspection requirement for imported animal feeds
26/2012/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Inspection requirement for imported fishery breeds
26/2013/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Issuing the list of products that need inspection by Institute of Nutrition
125/QD-BYT Ministry of Health
A84 Inspection requirement
Plant-originated goods imported to Vietnam must be inspected on food safety based on Chapter 3 of this document
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Article 9a. Animal quarantine and inspection of quality of imported animal source feeds before customs clearance 1. Imported animal source feeds on the List of imports subject to inspection by a spec
35/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A84 Inspection requirement
Requirement on process and procedures in examining the imported goods Article 13 promulgating the contents of inspection; Article 14 on the method of inspection and sampling; Article 15 on the registr
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A85 Traceability requirements
1. Food manufacturers and sellers shall retain information about manufacturers or suppliers of products and buyers (if any) in the form of contracts, logbooks or other methods to serve origin tracing.
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A85 Traceability requirements
This measure requires importers to keep information on origin, processing, etc. of animal feeds
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A85 Traceability requirements
Article 5. Requirements regarding information of traceability database of food-related products applicable to food-related product business establishments When establishing a database of traceability
25/2019/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A851 Origin of materials and parts
1. Livestock breeds and products thereof imported must be confirmed in writing by the competent authority or the organization authorized by the competent authority of the exporting country in terms of
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A851 Origin of materials and parts
Article 78. Import of livestock and animal products 1. There must be records of origin of livestock and animal products imported meeting requirements for food quality and safety and disease resistanc
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A851 Origin of materials and parts
Requirement on origin of products for unsafe products when requested by relevant authorities
55/2010/QH12 National Assembly
A851 Origin of materials and parts
Requirement on keeping related documents to ensure traceability of vegetable oil
59/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A851 Origin of materials and parts
Statement of origin information is required for the first-importation of male breeders, sperms and embryos of cattle
22/2019/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A852 Processing history
This measure requires keeping track of processing history of fishery products
03/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A859 Traceability requirements, n.e.s.
2. The organization or individual producing and selling plant varieties shall have documents serving tracing of the plant variety batch, including information about plant variety sales contract and in
94/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A86 Quarantine requirement
Article 1. List of plant quarantine articles 1. Vegetation Plants and living parts of plants. 2. Plant products a) Various types of tubers, bulbs, fruits, seeds, flowers, leaves, plant bodies, stems,
30/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A86 Quarantine requirement
SPS Certificate for the import of plants under the list of object under quarantine requirements and hazard analysis
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A86 Quarantine requirement
Plant protection imported under Item 2, article 67 should undergo plant quarantine
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Article 4. Application for issuance of the certificate of food safety 1. Application for a new certificate of food safety: a) The application form made according to the Form No. 01a provided in the
43/2018/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Article 8. Inspection after issuance of the certificate of food safety 1. Regulatory authorities that have the power to issue the certificate of food safety prescribed in Article 6 hereof and other c
43/2018/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Article 6 stipulates the requirements of conformity assessment prior to production, business, import and usage of supplementary substances
27/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Article 13. General requirements concerning recognition of circulation and self-declaration of circulation of plant varieties 2. Plant varieties not belonging to the main plant species may be produce
31/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Requirement of dossier and procedures in food safety inspection
28/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Conduct of SPS inspection and quality inspection concurrently on imported animal feed and fishery feed
34/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
This measure requires Importers of imported breeds of plants to make official announcement of comformity
46/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Article 32. Requirements applied for commercial animal feeds before put into circulation 1. Applied standards and conformity declaration shall be made as per law provisions on technical standards and
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
2. Animal feeds that are firstly imported from countries or territories whose testing process or animal feeds are not accredited by Vietnam or animal feeds produced in Vietnam containing new substance
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Requirement on registration of conformation at authorized agency prior to import
55/2010/QH12 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
This measure requires that the importers have to meet certain technical requirements (location, facilities, etc.)
15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
This measure requires the traders of breeds of animals to meet certain technical requirements for SPS (location, facilities, etc.)
16/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Requirement on conformity announcement prior to circulation applied to processed food, food additives, manufacturing-supportive substances for prepackaged food; packaging tools and materials, containi
38/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Article 8. Elaborating eligibility requirements for production and sale of plant varieties An organization or individual producing and selling plant varieties shall comply with the eligibility requir
94/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Procedures and dossier for conformity assessment of food safety
19/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Requirement on the conformity announcement and compliance with food safety regulation
100/2014/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
A hazard analysis report must be done prior to importation by Vietnamese authority
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Requirement on nutrient content claims, health claims of functional food; health supplement, food supplement and dietary supplement; and medical nutrient food and special dietary food.
43/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
A certified copy of Certificate of Free Sales (CFS) is required for the first importation of plant protection products that are not included in the list of permitted plant protection products to use i
43/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
All wine and alcoholic products must be stamped for sale in Vietnam
94/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Self-declaration procedures: a) The self-declaration shall be posted through mass media or the producer’s website or premises; 01 copy of the self-declaration shall be submitted, directly or by post,
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Food suppliers must register the declarations of the following products: 1. Dietary supplements, medical foods, food for special dietary uses. 2. Dietary products for children up to 36 months. 3. M
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
A89 Conformity assessment related to SPS, n.e.s.
Documents about scientific evidence of the effects of the product or ingredients (original or authenticated copy). If scientific evidence of effects of the ingredients is used, the daily dose must be
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B14 Authorization requirement for importing certain products
Importers of traditional herbs are required to have import license
03/2016/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B14 Authorization requirement for importing certain products
Products for treatment or improvement of aquaculture environment not yet mentioned in Appendix 4 to this Circular or not on the list of those permitted for circulation in Vietnam (not yet permitted or
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B14 Authorization requirement for importing certain products
Import license for pesticides/plant protection drugs
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B15 Authorization requirement for importers
Article 37. Application for Certificate of Eligibility for LPG/LNG/CNG importer/exporter 1. An application form for Certificate of Eligibility for LPG/LNG/CNG importer/exporter according to Form No.1
87/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B15 Authorization requirement for importers
Article 16. Requirements to be satisfied to import used ships for breaking 1. An importer of the used ship for breaking is required to meet the following requirements: a) It must be a Vietnamese ent
82/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B15 Authorization requirement for importers
Article 2. Regulated entities This Circular applies to holders of the license for sale and provision of cyberinformation security products and services that import cyberinformation security products
13/2018/TT-BTTTT Ministry of Information and Communications
B15 Authorization requirement for importers
A copy of business registration certificate or investment license or business license is required for the first import of plant protection products
43/2018/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B15 Authorization requirement for importers
1. A ship dismantlement enterprise shall be issued with a license for import of used ships for dismantlement by the Ministry of Transport if it: a) is established as prescribed by law; b) has a divi
147/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B15 Authorization requirement for importers
3. Entities to be granted import permits: Entrepreneurs that have already granted Investment certificate, Investment license, Certificate of enterprise registration, Certificate of business registrati
28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 
B15 Authorization requirement for importers
Article 8. Import Procedures 1. Traders importing used cars are enterprises which have been granted a car import business license by the Ministry of Industry and Trade according to the provisions of
04/2020/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
Article 44. Fertilizer import 1. Organizations and individuals that have fertilizers already obtaining the decision on recognition of fertilizer in circulation in Vietnam may import or authorize othe
31/2018/QH14 National Assembly
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
This measure requires that the importers of scrap materials as inputs for production must be qualified in certain aspects
34/2012/TTLT-BCT-BTNMT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
This measure requires that the imported scrap materials as inputs for production must conform with current regulations (ie.. Be cerfitied)
34/2012/TTLT-BCT-BTNMT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
2. Any organization/individual importing medical devices with the registration number must satisfy the following conditions: a) Being the registration number holder or having the power of attorney ma
36/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
26. Clause 2 of Article 41 is amended as follows: “2. An organization or individual that wishes to import medical devices that already have a registration number shall: a) be the registration number
169/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
Article 2. Principles of management of the import, export and temporary import for re-export of ozone layer-depleting substances 3a/ Traders that import or export ozone layer-depleting substances sha
47/2011/TTLT-BCT-BTNMT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
Article 3. Importing tobacco ingredients and cigarette rolling paper 1. Based on the annual tariff quota, the enterprise’s production, the domestic capacity to supply raw materials and the enterprise
57/2018/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
Article 15. Application for certificate of eligibility for fertilizer trade 1. An application for certificate of eligibility for fertilizer trade, which is made using Form No. 08 of Appendix I enclos
84/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) is required for importation of specific goods
69/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
This measure requires that the importers of cars must be corporate entities
116/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B19 Import authorization/licensing related to TBT n.e.s.
This measure requires that the import licenses of cars are only issued to business entities
116/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
This measure sets out limits of specific substances in imported salt (NaCl, heavy metals, etc.)
27/2017/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
This measure sets out limits of cadmium and lead in glass, ceramic, porcelain, enameled implements, containers and packaging in direct contact with food regulated by QCVN 12-4:2015/BYT
35/2015/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
Supplementing quality standards for petrol, diesel and biofuel (Actual plastic content (solvent washed),max mg / 100 mL)
04/2017/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
Repeals: 301944/This measure require limits of content of formaldehyde and aromatic amines derived from azo colorants in textile products
37/2015/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
This measure requires imported cigars and cigarettes to be tested against the content of toxic
37/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
This measure require limits for residues (permissible limit or condition)
06/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
This measure sets out the quality standards for petrol, diesel and biofuel (eg. For unleaded and biofuel, the maximum content of lead is 0.013g/litre)
20/2009/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
Unrecognized or prohibited fertilizer products containing harmful residues exceeding the limit prescribed in national technical regulations and national standards or Appendix V of this Decree if there
108/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B21 Tolerance limits for residues of or contamination by certain substances
This measure sets out the quality standards for petrol, diesel and biofuel (eg. For unleaded and biofuel, the maximum content of lead is 0.013g/litre)
22/2015/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B22 Restricted use of certain substances
This measure prohibits imports of selected cosmetic products (those containing substances listed in Annex II)
06/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B22 Restricted use of certain substances
The plant protection drugs containing the active ingredient glyphosate are not produced or imported; can only be traded and used until June 30, 2021
06/2020/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B22 Restricted use of certain substances
Forbidden use of amian amfibole in production of construction materials
10/2017/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B22 Restricted use of certain substances
This measure sets out the quality standards for petrol, diesel and biofuel (eg. For E10 petrol, the maximum content of benzen is from 1-2.5% of volume)
22/2015/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported fertilizers (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings; usage, storage instruction)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported industrial explosives (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings; usage, storage instruction)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported eye glasses (composition; technical specification; warnings if any; usage)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported watches (composition; technical specification; warnings if any; usage)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Diapers, sanitary napkins, facial masks, cotton removers, cotton buds, toilet paper (composition; technical specification; usage; warnings if any; production m
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Tooth brushes (composition; technical specification; usage; warnings if any; production month)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported wet wipe (composition; technical specification; usage; warnings if any; production date; expiry date)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Beauty machines and equipments (technical specification; usage; warnings if any; production year)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Food packaging/containers (composition; technical specification; usage; warnings if any; production date)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Helmets for motorcycle, moped, electric bicycle riders (hereinafter referred to as helmets) (size; production month, year; model; quantitative; usage; one phra
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
The labelling of supplementary substances must be complied with current regulation
27/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Electric bicycles, electric motor bicycles, mopeds (trademark; model; body weight; technical specification; production year; usage; warnings (if any))
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported food (quantitative; production date; expiry date; warnings (if any))
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported foodstuff (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; usage, storage instructions)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported health protection food (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; usage, storage instructions; risk warning if any; one phrase
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported irradiated food (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; one phrase of "Thuc pham da qua chieu xa")
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported food additives (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; one phrase of "Phu gia thuc pham"; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported micronutrients (quantitative; production date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; one phrase of "Dung cho thuc pham")
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported animal feed (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Veterinary drugs, vaccines and biological products for animal health (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; war
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported aquatic feed (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage instructions; warnings; telephone (if any))
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Breeds of plants (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; usage, storage instructions; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported animal breeds (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; usage, storage instructions; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Aquatic breeds (Name of breed (including both commercial and scientific names); name of breeding center; number of breeds; quality indicator and standard; sale
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires labelling of micronutrients
44/2015/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure sets out labelling requirement for chemical and by products (label in Vietnamese, contents, size of printed characters, etc.)
29/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure set out labelling requirement of imported drugs; instruction notes (with required information) to users
01/2018/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires labels of imported medicines
47/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
Importers of chemicals must comply with labelling requirements
32/2017/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirements of labelling: The height of letters on the label is not less than 1.2mm. In case the label is on one side of the cover, it should not be less than 0.9mm. The color of text must be in cont
34/2014/TTLT-BYT-BNNPTNT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B31 Labelling requirements
Article 16. In addition to the regulation stated in Chapter II, food additives should be label as follows: - Name of group and name of additives, their international codes - If there are two or more
34/2014/TTLT-BYT-BNNPTNT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B31 Labelling requirements
Labelling requirements imposed on imported implements, containers and packaging in direct contact with food
35/2015/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
Article 46. Animal feed labeling 1. Labeling animal feeds shall comply with law provisions on goods labeling and the following regulations: a) The label or attachment of commercial animal feeds must
32/2018/QH14 National Assembly
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires energy labelling for means and equipment using energy under management of the MOIT
36/2016/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure stipulates labelling requirement for cosmetic products
06/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires imported cigars and cigarettes to be appropriately labelled (as per regulations on food safety, product quality, toxic contents, etc.)
37/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement of labelling of steel
58/2015/TTLT-BCT-BKHCN Ministry of Industry and Trade
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of product label: - Clear, accurate and easy for consumer to understand - For functional foods and micro-nutrient foods, the label must includes the ingredients, dosage, effects on
38/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Imported cigarettes for sale at duty free shops must have their labelling printed with health warnings in Vietnamese or English in accordance with the law on prevention and control of tobacco harms an
167/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on the labelling of veterinary medicine
10/2006/QD-BNN Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B31 Labelling requirements
Article 7. Energy labeling 1. Manufacturers and importers print energy labels according to the form set by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
59/2018/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure sets out the labelling requirement for construction materials
10/2017/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on labelling of gases
19/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure stipulates labelling requirement for milk products
100/2014/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Labelling requirement for veterinary drugs
79/2015/QH13 National Assembly
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on the labelling of veterinary medicine
20/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure set out labelling requirement of imported drugs and medical ingredients
105/2016/QH13 National Assembly
B31 Labelling requirements
Article 2, item 1a) Energy labels are mandatory for home and industrial equipment and appliances that follow: straight fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent bulbs, magnetic and electronic ballasts fo
04/2017/QD-TTg Prime Minister
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure stipulates labelling requirement for imported wine and alcohol.
105/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Article 2, item 1c) From January 1, 2020, energy labels are mandatory for: LED light bulbs, electric kettles. Article 2, item 2d) Energy labels are mandatory for laptop computers from January 1, 2020
04/2017/QD-TTg Prime Minister
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires imported fertilizers to be appropriately labelled as per Vietnam's regulations
202/2013/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
c) Energy labels are mandatory for automobiles for the transport of 8-9 persons from January 1, 2018
04/2017/QD-TTg Prime Minister
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires the pesticides and insecticides to be appropriately labelled (with details in Vietnamese, proper instructions for safe use; conformation with GHS, etc.)
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires the fertilizer products to be appropriately labelled
108/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on profile of application and authorized agency involving in the granting of import license of fertilizer (one foreign-language copy containing information on ingredients, usage instructio
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure sets out the labelling requirement for PVC-coated wire and cable with voltage of 450/750V; under the National Standard QCVN 4:2009/BKHCN
22/2011/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on the labelling of functional food; specific requirement of Vietnamese label under Article 9, article 11 and article 13
43/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement of labelling the quick testing set for food products
11/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported genetically modified food (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; one phrase of "Thuc pham bien doi gen" or "Bien doi gen" n
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported beverages (excluding liquor) (quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; warnings if any; usage, storage instructions)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported liquor (quantitative; ethanol content; expiry date if any; storage (for wine); warnings if any; batch recognition code, if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported cigarrettes (quantitative; production date; expiry date; warnings if any; code, bar code)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported food materials (Name of material; quantitative; production date; expiry date; usage, storage instructions)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Medicines, medicinal materials for human use (Quantitative, content, intensity or weight; production date; expiry date; form; packaging, product quality; Regis
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported medical equipment (Number of circulation or registration number; Batch or serial number; Production or expiry dates (must have expiry dates for medical equipme
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported cosmetics (Quantitative; ingredients; production batch number; production date or expiry date; with products having stability degree of less than 30 months, ex
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported household chemicals (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients or content of active substances; production batch number; circulation number in Vi
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Biological products, microorganisms, chemicals, environmental remediation substances (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; ingredients; usage, storage i
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Plant protection products (Quantitative; production date; expiry date; contents; warnings; usage, storage instructions)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported children toys (Quantitative; technical specification; warnings; usage instructions; production year)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported textile, garment, leather and footwear products (Components; technical specification; warnings; usage instructions; production year)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure requires products in circulation to be labelled (including TBT information)
89/2006/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Plastic and rubber products (Quantitative; Production month; Ingredient; technical specification; warnings)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Paper, cardboard, carton (Quantitative; Production month; technical specification; warnings)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Teaching and learning aids, stationery (Quantitative; Technical specification; warnings)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Political, economic, cultural, scientific, educational and art publications (Name of Press, publishing house; name of author, translator; publication licence;
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported food Musical instruments (Technical specification; warnings)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Sport and physical training tools (Quantitative; Production year; Component; technical specification; usage instruction; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Wooden products (Component; technical specification; usage, storage instruction; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
This measure sets out labelling requirement for Antivirus-antibacteria chemical and by-products for use in households and medical facilities (contents, size of printed characters, etc.)
91/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Porcelain, ceramic and glass products (Component; technical specification; usage, storage instruction; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Fine arts and handicrafts (Component; technical specification; usage, storage instruction; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Household articles/appliances (non-electric) (Component; technical specification; usage, storage instruction; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Silver (quantitative; composition; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported precious stones (quantitative; technical specification; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Jewel gold, fine art (content; weight; weight of attached objects if any; product code; warning if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement of labelling for imported construction material
124/2007/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Personal protective equipment, fire safety equipment (quantitative; production date; expiry date; technical specification; warning; usage, storage instructions
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Informatics, communication, post and telecommunications equipment; refurbished IT products (production year; technical specification; warning; usage, storage i
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Mechanical machinery/ equipment (quantitative; production month; technical specifciation; warning; usage, storage instruction)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Measuring and testing machinery/instruments (quantitative; production month; technical specifciation; warning; usage, storage instruction)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on labelling of imported wine and alcohol
94/2012/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Metallurgical products (quantitative; composition; technical specification)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Fishing gear (component; technical specification; warnings if any; telephone if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported cars (name of carmaker; trademarks, commercial name, model code; Frame or VIN number; body weight; number of seats (for passenger motor vehicle; total weight;
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Trailer, semi-trailer (name of carmaker; trademarks, commercial name, model code; Frame or VIN number; body weight; total weight; production year; warnings if
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Plant-originated goods imported to Vietnam must be labeled with the following information: name of products, name and address of production unit, codes, and other information as regulated
13/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Motorcycles, mopeds (name of maker; trademarks, commercial name, model code; Frame number; body weight; cylinder capacity; production year; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported motorcycles for specific use (name of maker; trademarks, commercial name, model code; Frame number; particular technical specification; production year; warnin
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported four-wheeled Passenger motor vehicles (name of maker; trademarks, commercial name, model code; body weight; number of persons that are permitted to carry; tota
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Bicycles (name of maker; production year; basic technical specifcation; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Spare parts of transportation vehicles (trademarks, commercial name, model code; part number; technical specification if any; production year if any; warnings
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Requirement on the labelling of veterinary medicine
99/2007/QD-BNN Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Construction materials and furnishing articles (quantitative; technical specification; production month; usage, storage instruction; warnings if any)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Petroleum products (quantitative; ingredients; information, warnings; usage, storage instructions)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Manufacturers and sellers of foods the content of GM ingredients in which exceeds 5% of total ingredients, in addition to compliance with common regulations of law on goods labeling, the goods label m
15/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported Detergents (quantitative; production month; ingredients; information, warnings; usage instruction)
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B31 Labelling requirements
Compulsory contents of label of imported chemicals (quantitative; production date; expiry date if any; recognition code if any; information, warnings if any; preventive measures if any; usage, storage
43/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B32 Marking requirements
Marking requirements for transportation of chemicals
32/2017/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B33 Packaging requirements
This measure sets out packaging requirement for chemical and by products (package details; packaging methods, etc.)
29/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B33 Packaging requirements
This measure sets out the packaging requirement for construction materials
10/2017/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B33 Packaging requirements
This measure requires the pesticides and insecticides are packed with appropriate materials (durable, no effect on content, etc.)
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
B33 Packaging requirements
This measure sets out the packaging requirement for chemicals
113/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B33 Packaging requirements
This measure sets out packaging requirement for Antivirus-antibacteria chemical and by-products for use in households and medical facilities (package details; packaging methods, etc.)
91/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
1. Importers and exporters of medicinal products and materials and providers of medicinal product and medicinal material storage services (except for importers and exporters of herbal medicinal materi
36/2018/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure requires imported rough diamonds to be transported using theft-resistant containers with seals
14/2009/TTLT-BCT-BTC Ministry of Finance
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Warehouses, vehicles and equipment for trading of means of support are conformable and their conditions for storage and transport of combat gears and fire prevention are ensured
14/2017/QH14 National Assembly
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
c) Safety of alive specimens and concerned people is ensured during the transportation and at the receiving facility.
06/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure requires vehicles, equipment and devices shall be designed and constructed conformably, satisfy requirements for storage and transport of industrial explosives
14/2017/QH14 National Assembly
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Article 6. Requirements applied to gas importers and exporters 1. Every gas importer or exporter must: a) be an enterprise founded in accordance with provisions of laws; b) own wharves or enter int
87/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out conformity with transportation and storage conditions
29/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out requirement on storage for traders of pharmaceutical products
47/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Conditions of storage and transport for trading establishments of specially controlled drugs
54/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Amends: 561004/Clause 2 of Article 41 is amended as follows: “2. An organization or individual that wishes to import medical devices that already have a registration number shall: c) has a warehouse
169/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Storage and transportation conditions for Importers of veterinary drugs
35/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
2. Any organization/individual importing medical devices with the registration number must satisfy the following conditions: a) Being the registration number holder or having the power of attorney ma
36/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Clause 2 of Article 41 is amended as follows: “2. An organization or individual that wishes to import medical devices that already have a registration number shall: b) has a warehouse and vehicles s
169/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out conditions for transporting vegetable oil
59/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out requirement on storage of explosive precursors
61/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Article 4.- Management and preservation of weapons, military explosives and support tools 2. The regime of management and preservation of weapons, military explosives and support tools a) Agencies,
79/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure stipulates that importers of pharmaceutical products must ensure appropriate transportation and storage conditions
09/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out requirement on storage of explosives, applied for State-owned enterprises
39/2009/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Importers must own or rent storage facilities for preservation of animal and fishery feeds which conform to storage requirements in order to ensure quality standards, environmental protection and reco
39/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out requirement on storage for every gas importer and exporter.
19/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Conditions regarding storage and transport of foodstuff
77/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out the transport requirement for construction materials
10/2017/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out conditions for salt production and trading (facilities, production infrastructure, water, etc.)
40/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure requires importer and exporter of drugs/medicinal ingredients must fulfill Good Storage Practice requirements;
105/2016/QH13 National Assembly
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out conformity with pesticide and insecticide transportation conditions (safety for humans, animals and environment, compliance with transportation regulation of dangerous goods)
21/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out conformity with pesticide and insecticide storage conditions (safety distance, technical assurance, environmental protection)
21/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure stipulates requirements on traders of construction materials (must have sufficient areas for activities; keeping distance from the people; fire rescue facilities, etc.)
11/2007/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out requirement on transport and storage of chemicals
113/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Organize and control transportation and storage of building materials to maintain product quality and meet requirements for environmental protection
24a/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out conformity with storage conditions of Antivirus-antibacteria chemical and by-products for use in households and medical facilities
91/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
This measure sets out conformity with transportation conditions of Antivirus-antibacteria chemical and by-products for use in households and medical facilities
91/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B42 TBT regulations on transport and storage
Storage and transportation conditions for electric generators
94/2017/TT-BTC Ministry of Finance
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
This measure sets out requirement on places of warehouses and harbors, loading and unloading places shall satisfy conditions for security and order and ensure the safe distances between those places a
14/2017/QH14 National Assembly
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
13. develop, apply and maintain the gas quality management system,
87/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
This measure requires that imported scrap meet certain requirement such as being cleaned, classified, etc.
01/2013/TT-BTNMT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
18. Send a report of distribution system, goods label, gas export, import and trading activities to the Ministry of Industry and Trade before March 30 each year. 19. make a following-up book or devel
87/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
This measure requires that importers possess proof of access to adequate laboratory facilities
03/2016/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
Conditions of facilities, infrastructure, personnel for trading establishments of specially controlled drugs
54/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
2. The used ship to be imported for breaking must meet the following requirements: a) It is a type of ships prescribed in Article 5 hereof; b) The ship is not under any mortgage or maritime claim ac
82/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
30. Article 56b shall be added as follows: "Article 56a. Power and procedures to issue, reissue, and revoke certificates of eligibility for environment protection in import of scrap 1. The Ministry
40/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
3. Traders shall submit quarterly and annual reports on export and import of HFCs in the same forms and within the same time limits as those for HCFCs prescribed in Clause1 and Clause 2 Article 8 of t
05/2020/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
Traders shall make reports on the import, export and temporary import for re-export of HCFCs and import of HCFC- 141b pre-blended polyol according to the form provided in Appendix VII to this Circular
47/2011/TTLT-BCT-BTNMT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
In producing and trading facilities, liquid and solid waste treatment measures shall be applied to protect the environment under the Law on Environment ( Wastewater shall be treated to meet standards
66/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
Traders of foodstuff are required to meet conditions of facilities, factories, etc.
77/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
4. Producing and importing establishments shall make periodical reports and send them to quality management agencies before January 15 every year according to the form provided in Form No. 04 of the A
59/2018/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
This measure requires the traders of pesticides and insecticides to meet technical requirements (qualification in plant protection, etc.)
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
Requirements on special facitlies/infrastructure of traders of petrol and oil (special-use wharf, depot, ownership of the depot and transport vehicles, etc.)
83/2014/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
This measure requires the car importers to provide guarantee services to new and used automobile (specific lengths of guarantee services differ for new and used automobile)
116/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B49 Production or post-production requirements, n.e.s.
Trading facilities shall be made available and set up fire control means and equipment, safety signs for construction materials that are highly flammable, smelly, having hazardous chemicals and dirt
24a/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Requirement on quality standard of traditional medicinal materials and traditional drugs (in accordance with pharmacopoeia or internally applied standards of manufacturers)
13/2018/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets quality indicators of imported salt (colour, taste, etc.)
27/2017/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Imported or exported means of support shall ensure the quality, standards and technical regulations
14/2017/QH14 National Assembly
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure replaces potentially unsafe products under the management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Circular 41/2015/TT-BCT, complied with related quality standard in column 3 of the Appen
29/2016/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure requires importers of coffee beans to apply National Standard TCVN 4193:2005
03/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Article 6. Requirements for measurement in gas import, import, manufacture, process, blending and trade; provision of ports for gas import, export, gas tanks and warehouses to store LPG bottles; provi
20/2019/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out requirement for safety glass of automobile. The technical standards are stipulated under the National Technical Standard QCVN 32:2017/BGTVT
31/2017/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure required quality of pneumatic tyres for automobiles have to be complied with National Technical Standard (QCVN 34:2017/BGTVT)
31/2017/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out technical safety requirements for optical characteristics of road vehicle headlamps, under National standards in Vietnam (QCVN 35:2017/BGTVT)
31/2017/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure requires imported salt to be tested in terms of quality (to ensure meeting TCVN standards)
34/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Importers of products in Appendix 3 must meet relevant regulations under 26/2013/TT-BNNPTNT, which include quality of breed
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Importers of products in Appendix 3 must meet relevant regulations under 26/2013/TT-BNNPTNT, which include quality of breed
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
The cosmetic safety requirements: The producers/sellers must have assessment of cosmetic safety in line with the instructions of ASEAN)
06/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out medicine quality standards
09/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure require the inclusion of micronutrients in foodstuff (iodine, iron, zinc and vitamin A)
09/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out requirement on technical safety and environment protection for motorcycles and mopeds, under the National Standard QCVN 14:2015/BGTVT
67/2015/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Construction materials need to meet quality standard QCVN 16:2017/BXD in order to be produced or imported
10/2017/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure requires conditions on quality of gases compliant with current national technical regulations and applicable standards
19/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out requirement on quality of imported salt
40/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
National technical regulation on infant formula food (for children up to 12 months of age) (i.e. requirements of certain elements in the food: vitamin, minerals, etc.)
20/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Imported goods are required to meet quality requirements
69/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Fertilizers should need to be safe and meet certain quality standards
108/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
National technical regulation on formulas for special medical purposes intended for infant (up to 12 months of age). Requirement of certain contents in the food (vitamin, minerals, etc.)
21/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure required potentially unsafe products under the management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade have to be complied with related quality standard in column 3nd of the Appendix
41/2015/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out requirement on technical safety for automobiles, under the National Standard QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT
87/2015/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Requirement of safety, energy savings and environmental protection regarding the importation of used machinery, equipment and technical lines (in line with Viet Nam's standards and/or technical regula
18/2019/QD-TTg Prime Minister
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Requirement of quality certificate to import veterinary medicine
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Article 1. The following three national technical regulations on environment are promulgated together with this Circular, including: 1. QCVN 31:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environme
08/2018/TT-BTNMT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure requires the pesticides and insecticides to be tested and meet National standards
21/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Article 1. The following three national technical regulations on environment are promulgated together with this Circular, including: 1. QCVN 65:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environme
09/2018/TT-BTNMT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Article 4. Roadmap for application of QCVN 1. From June 1, 2020, domestically produced and imported steel for the reinforcement of concrete under the HS codes specified in the Appendix issued togethe
13/2019/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Requirement of product quality and characteristics in order to be imported (manufacturing year; or un-used, etc. )
41/2016/TT-BTTTT Ministry of Information and Communications
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
The import of treatment and improvement products for sea-product raising environment must be licensed by Department of Fisheries if they are not included in the List of treatment and improvement produ
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
National technical regulation on follow-up formula (for infant from 6th month on and young children up to 36 months of age)
22/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out the quality standards for petrol, diesel and biofuel
22/2015/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
National technical regulation on processed cereal-based foods for infants from 6th month on and young children up to 36 months of age
23/2012/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Requirements for quality of construction materials products manufactured in the country, imported and circulated on market
24a/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out requirement on technical safety and environment protection for trailer and semi-trailer, under the National Standard QCVN 11:2015/BGTVT
88/2015/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure requires that the importers of cars must provide instruction in Vietnamese (either produced by foreign carmakers or translated from foreign language version) to users
116/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Standards of quality and environmental protection of imported transport construction machinery (QCVN 13:2011/BGTVT; QCVN 22: 2010/BGTVT; QCVN 12:20111/BGTVT; TCVN 7772; TCVN 4244)
89/2015/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out requirement on technical safety and environment protection for urban bus, under the National Standard QCVN 10:2015/BGTVT
90/2015/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
National technical regulation applied to food additives-artificial sweeteners
25/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure prohibits the imports of construction materials that fail to meet quality standard
124/2007/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
Article 9. Kid toys 1. Kid toys must be ensured 100% new; 2. Quality of kid toys must be ensured to conform to National technical regulation on kid toy safety as prescribed in the Circular No. 18/20
28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
4. Conditions for import: - Machines, equipment must be 100% new. Contents, images, sounds and forms must meet requirements for quality and be suitable for Vietnamese people and do not violate the pr
28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 
B7 Product-quality, safety or -performance requirement
This measure sets out national technical standards on national reserve of electric generators (QCVN 02:2017/BTC)
94/2017/TT-BTC Ministry of Finance
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires registration for inspection of imported salt
27/2017/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Weapons, explosives, explosives precursors and combat gears shall be inspected, assessed and registered in accordance with regulations of law on managing quality of products and goods before they are
14/2017/QH14 National Assembly
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Importers must register medicines for circulations in Vietnam
44/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires registration of products for circulation in Vietnam
29/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Demand for imported steel must be approved by department of industry and trade
58/2015/TTLT-BCT-BKHCN Ministry of Industry and Trade
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Importers have to register for imported hazardous chemicals
06/2015/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Importers of raw material for oil and petrol production must register import plan with MOIT
38/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement on procedures of registering on production and circulation of veterinary medicine
10/2006/QD-BNN Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Imported animal feeds and fishery feeds must be registered for circulation in Vietnam
39/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Food trading establishments that are required to have Certificates of conformity with food safety regulations under the management of MOIT must have Certificate of enterprise registration, Certificate
77/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Importers of veterinary drugs are required to register with Department of Animal Health for sale
79/2015/QH13 National Assembly
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement on the registration for production and circulation of veterinary medicine
20/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires the pesticides and insecticides to be registered (and fit with the list of pesticides and insecticides permitted for use in Vietnam)
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires the pesticides and insecticides to be registered in line with the list of pesticides and insecticides permitted for use in Vietnam
21/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Requirement of registration on the circulation of quick testing set for food products
11/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Registration for testing of quality
22/2015/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
Registration and report of imported chemicals
113/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B81 Product registration/approval requirement
This measure requires registration of Antivirus-antibacteria chemical and by-products for use in households and medical facilities for circulation in Vietnam
91/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
Imported/exported traditional medicinal materials and traditional drugs must be tested
13/2018/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
This measure sets out the sample-based testing for each batch of imports of motorcycles and engines. The sample is on a random basis; the sample size is 1,2 or 3 depending on the number of items in th
44/2012/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B82 Testing requirement
This measure indicate the size of import batch (no more than 3.000 tons) and sampling process
01/2010/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires testing of chemical and by-products
29/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
imported group-2 products controlled by MOIT must be tested
48/2011/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires that the products be accompanied with testing results (for compliance with formaldehyde content) before customs clearance of imports
32/2009/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B82 Testing requirement
This measure imposes testing requirement for pharmaceutical products which include conditions on testers (inspector with appropriate analytical skills), venue for sampling and sampling equipment
04/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires imported salt to be tested in terms of quality
34/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B82 Testing requirement
33. Article 59 shall be replaced as follows: “Article 59. Conformity assessment of technical regulations on environment associated with imported scrap used as production materials 1. Conformity asse
40/2019/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
Imported glass, ceramic, porcelain, enameled implements, containers and packaging in direct contact with food must be tested
35/2015/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
Repeals: 301945/This measure requires to get a small sample for testing, inspection of imported textile products (for compliance with Vietnam's standards)
37/2015/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B82 Testing requirement
Amends: 301874/This measure requires all importers of imported motor vehicles to test their products
31/2011/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B82 Testing requirement
Imported steel must be inspected and tested
58/2015/TTLT-BCT-BKHCN Ministry of Industry and Trade
B82 Testing requirement
This measure imposes testing requirement for cosmetic products which include principle of sampling, transportation and transfer samples, conclusion of the cosmetic samples quality checking
06/2011/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
3. Testing, checking and acceptance of industrial explosives of new types shall be carried out in accordance with the QCVN 01:2012/BCT – National technical regulations on safety in the process of prod
13/2018/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires imported cigars and cigarettes to be tested against regulations on product quality, content, etc.
37/2013/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B82 Testing requirement
Imported steel must be tested by sampling
58/2015/TTLT-BCT-BKHCN Ministry of Industry and Trade
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires sampling of medicines for quality testing, notification of testing results, storage of samples, and relevant documents
09/2010/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
Construction materials are required to be tested of meeting quality standards
10/2017/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires a test for imported pesticides
77/2009/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B82 Testing requirement
3. Requirements for fuel consumption test a) Two-wheeled motorbikes comply with the cycle of the Type I exhaust test specified in QCVN 77: 2014 / BGTVT; b) Motorcycles (except 2-wheel motorbikes) an
59/2018/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B82 Testing requirement
Imported animal feeds and fishery feeds must be tested by sampling
39/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
This measure sets out the testing and sampling requirement for imported helmet. Sample size is 20, 32, 50 and 80 for the batch of up to 500, between 500 and 1200, between 1200 and 3200, and over 3200
1024/QD-TDC Ministry of Science and Technology
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires the pesticides and insecticides to be tested before certification
41/2013/QH13 National Assembly
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires importers to get a small sample for testing, inspection (for compliance with Vietnam's standards) before being authorized for circulation in Vietnam
202/2013/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
Testing requirement for the importation of specific goods
69/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
This measure sets out the sample-based testing for each batch of imports of electric bikes. The method is inline with National Standard QCVN 68:2013/BGTVT. The sample is on a random basis; the sample
41/2013/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B82 Testing requirement
Fertilizers shall be tested before they are recognized for trading
108/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires the pesticides and insecticides to be tested and meet National standards
21/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B82 Testing requirement
+ Regarding imported motor vehicles manufactured by a country applying the type approval method, the quality management authority shall carry out type assessment according to the results of safety and
17/2020/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
The import of treatment and improvement products for sea-product raising environment must be licensed by Department of Fisheries if they are not included in the List of treatment and improvement produ
88/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B82 Testing requirement
Requirement on testing of quick testing set on foodstuffs. Prior to being circulated into Vietnam, all quick testing set on food stuffs must be tested in Vietnam, except those being recognized by WHO,
11/2014/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
This measure sets out procedures of conformity assessment for petrol, diesel and biofuel (including sample testing, conformity assessment on production processes)
22/2015/TT-BKHCN Ministry of Science and Technology
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires the imported used cars to be tested against technical and environmental standard
116/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
This measure requires testing of Antivirus-antibacteria chemical and by-products for use in households and medical facilities
91/2016/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B82 Testing requirement
1. Apply quality standards to pharmaceutical product and pharmaceutical starting material tests: a) The test must be carried out in accordance with the approved and updated pharmaceutical product/pha
03/2020/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B82 Testing requirement
This measure impose testing requirement for Veterinary medicines
13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
Documents used as basis for inspection of compliance with GDP principles by a pharmacy business establishment are those included in its application for certificate of eligibility for pharmacy business
03/2018/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B83 Certification requirement
Certification of imported medicinal materials and drugs
13/2018/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B83 Certification requirement
Documents used as basis for inspection of GSP compliance by a storage facility are those included in its application for certificate of eligibility for pharmacy business (the establishment is not requ
36/2018/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires certification of KP-compliance upon importing rough diamond from Kimberley-process members
14/2009/TTLT-BCT-BTC Ministry of Finance
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires importers of salt to have certificate of free sale issued by exporting country
27/2017/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires certificate of quality of imported salt
27/2017/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
Imported cement has to be certified for compliance with related standard
01/2010/TT-BXD Ministry of Construction
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires imported IT and communication products to be certified in accordance with Vietnamese standards
30/2011/TT-BTTTT Ministry of Information and Communications
B83 Certification requirement
4. A copy of certificate of technical verification of labor safety for tanks
87/2018/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B83 Certification requirement
Requirement of evidence of certification (if foreign producers have GMP, just own testing result for each import batch; if foreign producers have no GMP, need additional testing result by authority in
03/2016/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires potentially unsafe products (group 2-products) have to be certified in line with the national technical regulation promulgated by the Ministry of Health
31/2017/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B83 Certification requirement
Importers of traditional herbs are required to have certificate of Good Storage practice
03/2016/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B83 Certification requirement
Imported inland waterway vehicles must be inspected for quality, technical safety and environmental protection, issued certificates of technical safety and environmental protection
48/2015/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B83 Certification requirement
Requirement of certificate of eligible for trading of pharmacy or certifcate of good practice at location (if any) in order to get the certificate of eligible for pharmacy trading
54/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B83 Certification requirement
SPS Certificate for the import of plants under the list of object under quarantine requirements and hazard analysis
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
Requirement of certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice and certificate of pharmaceutical products in order to get import license for drugs without certificate of registration of sale in Vietnam
54/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires Certificate of Free Sale for imported salt issued by the exporting countries
34/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
Requirement of a certified true copy of the manufacturing license issued by a competent authority of the exporting country in oder to import specially controlled drug ingredients with certificate of r
54/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B83 Certification requirement
Requirement of importer’s license to perform radiological works in case of import of radiopharmaceuticals
54/2017/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B83 Certification requirement
Products for treatment and improvement of aquaculture environment already on the list of those permitted for circulation in Vietnam (already permitted for circulation) or having certificates of circul
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
Certification requirement for the import of pesticides included in the list of pesticides permitted to use in Vietnam
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
Certificate of conformity is required for Imported glass, ceramic, porcelain, enameled implements, containers and packaging in direct contact with food
35/2015/TT-BYT Ministry of Health
B83 Certification requirement
Importers of methyl bromide must have a Certificate of SPS control via steam sterilization
04/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
Amends: 301354/Conditions for granting certificates of GMO
02/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires a certification for imported motor vehicles
55/2014/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B83 Certification requirement
Amends: 301875/This measure requires a certification for imported construction cars
31/2011/TT-BGTVT Ministry of Transport
B83 Certification requirement
Requirement of certificate of conformity
58/2015/TTLT-BCT-BKHCN Ministry of Industry and Trade
B83 Certification requirement
Importer and exporter of amone nitrat with high concentration (>=98.5%) need to have certiification of conformity with security requirements
61/2014/TT-BCT Ministry of Industry and Trade
B83 Certification requirement
This measure sets out certification requirement for new animal feeds that are not approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
08/2010/ND-CP Government of Viet Nam
B83 Certification requirement
This measure requires imported broadcasters and receivers to be certified for compliance with Vietnamese standards
18/2014/TT-BTTTT Ministry of Information and Communications
B83 Certification requirement
Importers have to present certificate of free sale for selected agricultural products
63/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
B83 Certification requirement
This measure require certification of pharmaceutical products on all traders</